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T-Ball (age 4-6)

T-Ball (age 4-6)
Description: Often, a family’s first introduction to Little League® is in the Tee Ball program. Tee Ball is the entry level division for players, ages 4-6. The experience is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals while also being a key to growing a child’s love for the game.

Tee Ball players use bats and balls (baseballs) designated specifically for use in this division. The roster size for a Tee Ball team averages 7-10 players, with a season featuring 1-2 practices per week with a single game played on weekends.

Outs are not recorded at this level. This is not a competitive division. All players bat every inning and score is not kept. There is no post-season play.

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Farm - Coach pitch (Age 6-8)

Farm - Coach pitch (Age 6-8)
Description: Basic skills are refined and stressed. Coaches are allowed on the field during games to encourage/instruct players. 10 players on defense, and the roster hits. The first inning, roster hits through, the remaining innings is played until 3 outs are made on defense. At this level players are taught to hit pitched balls by coaches only. Players are taught game basics and prepare to play at a faster pace. Official standings are not kept. There is no post-season play.

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Minors (age 9-10)

Minors (age 9-10)
Description: Traditional baseball rules. All 9 and 10 year old players must attend a try out where skills are evaluated. Fundamental skills are stressed, while developments of additional skills are taught. Mandatory play rules are enforced. There is a tournament of champions at the end of the regular season, single elimination. Minors 9-10 year olds in this division are eligible for the post-season All-Star tournament team.

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Majors (age 11-12)

Majors (age 11-12)
Description: The Little League Baseball Division (also known as the Major Division) is for boys and girls ages 11 -12. 
All 11 and 12 year old players must attend a tryout where skills are evaluated. Every registered 11-12 year old will be drafted or placed on a Majors team. While fundamental skills are stressed, advanced skills are taught and developed. Games are fast paced. Mandatory play is enforced. There is a double-elimination tournament of champions at the end of the regular season. All players 11 and 12 years old in this division are eligible for Little League All-Stars Tournament Play.

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Juniors (Age 13-14)

Description:  Juniors Baseball is a function of Little League, but at the next level. Players aged 13-14 begin play on full size diamonds; bases @ 90 ft and pitching mound @ 60 ft. 

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