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Medical Release Form

You must complete a medical release form to be eligible to play in ESLL. Please click HERE to print a copy. Complete the form and submit to your childs coach.


For a child to be a Little Leaguer®, eligibility must first be established by way of residency inside the boundaries of a local Little League®, or the location of the school where the child attends is located inside a local league’s boundaries that is approved by Little League Baseball, Incorporated.

For additional information on Establishing Player Eligibility please visit the Little League website


List of Schools Located within ESLL Boundry: 
Pueblo Elementary 
Navajo Elementary
Mohave Middle School 
Noah Webster
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
St. Maria Goretti 


Documents required to be uploaded during the registration process are the following:

  1. Birth certificate for age verification
  2. (3) documents for Proof of residency or (1) school enrollment form

Player documents MUST be uploaded during the registration process. 
Failure to provide documents by uploading documents during the registration process will result in your child(ren)'s registration being cancelled.


For Proof of Residency Eligibility checklist please click HERE

For School Enrollment form please click HERE

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